Shares were mixed in Asia on Monday, AP reported. The Hang Seng index in Hong Kong lost 0.1% to 24,354.79, while the Shanghai Composite index added 0.4% to 2,850.78. The Sensex, in India, was flat at 31,601.78. Japan's Nikkei 225 index gave up 1.2% to 19,669.12, while the S&P/ASX 200 declined 2.5% to 5,353.00. Shares also fell in Singapore and Jakarta but rose in Bangkok. Benchmark U.S. crude for June delivery lost $1.20 to $23.83 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It lost 50 cents to $25.03 per barrel on Friday. Brent crude, the international standard for pricing, gave up 52 cents to $27.56 per barrel. But the future for May delivery sank to its lowest level in two decades, dipping briefly to $14.45 per barrel. The dollar fetched 107.86 Japanese yen, up from 107.54 yen on Friday. The euro weakened to $1.0854 from $1.0875.