general," Chiba quoted Koizumi as saying. Annan will complete his second five-year term in 2006. Annan told Koizumi that he believes that 2004 could be a "very important year for U.N. reform," Chiba quoted Annan as saying. Annan was referring to an upcoming report by an international panel of experts hired by Annan to study reform of the U.N. organization application of the U.N. Charter in the new millennium. Annan has asked the panel to submit the report in December. The U.N. will celebrate its 60th birthday next year. and Annan has been urging its members to make it a more effective organization for the benefit of mankind. Germany and Japan have included Brazil and India in the push for permanent seats in the council. They said nothing about an African permanent seat. Japan is a candidate for a non-permanent seat for the 2005-2006 term in the election to be held in the General Assembly in October. The assembly elects five new non-permanent members every October to replace the five members that will leave the council in December. --More 2239 Local Time 1939 GMT