wide, the Council lauded the strenuous and successful efforts exerted by the Saudi security authorities resulting in foiling a number of terrorist plots and the arrest of a number of terrorist leaders over the last few weeks. In this regard, the Council reiterated its denunciation of the capture of French journalists and Italian citizens in Iraq, the bloodshed caused by the terrorist siege of North Ossetia school in Russia and the explosion that ripped the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, killing and injuring tens of the innocent. The communiqué expressed support for the Yemeni government's handling of the terrorist acts in Saada. The GCC member states vowed support for the nomination of the Kingdom of Bahrain for the rotating presidency of the General Assembly of the United Nations during the 61st session in September 2006 and the nomination of Qatar for the membership of the Security Council for 2006. The council also vowed support for the candidacy of Saudi Arabia's representative Jamil Ibrahim Alhujailan for the post of Director General of the Paris-based Arab World Institute.