The 2-day Congress of the Asian Federation of Sports' Medicine launched here today, in the presence of Prince Fahd bin Galloway bin Abdulaziz bin Mosaed, member of the Board of Directors, President of the Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Patrick Young and President of the Saudi Federation of Sports' Medicine Dr. Qasim Al-Maidy. During the opening ceremony, the most prominent achievements of Saudi sports were reviewed, foremost of which was the Saudi runner Hadi Sawaan, who won the silver medal, in the 2000 Sydney Olympics for the 400 m race and the gold medal of the Saudi Karate team player Muhammad Asiri, competing with a weight of 61 kg. Prince Fahd bin Jalawi delivered a speech during the opening ceremony on behalf of Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al-Faisal, during which he welcomed the attendees, indicating that the Kingdom has become an attractive environment to host all international sporting forums, at the highest level of organization. At the end of the opening ceremony, the Prince honored the sponsors and participants, in the 17th Asian Federation Congress of Sports Medicine.