G20 Sherpa, the official representatives of G20 Member country Leaders, met for the first time under the Saudi G20 Presidency in Riyadh this week. They were joined by invited guest countries as well as international and regional organizations to begin discussions towards "Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All". The pivotal role of the G20 Sherpas is to help pave the way to the G20 Leaders' Summit by progressing policy discussions in meetings throughout the year. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will host a series of Sherpa Meetings during its Presidency culminating in the Leaders' Summit in Riyadh on 21-22 November 2020. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will facilitate the dialogue process to guide the overarching policy discussions. Building on previous G20 achievements and reflecting the spirit of collaboration among our Leaders, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is determined to build consensus around solutions to address our common challenges. The first Sherpa meeting focused on the aims of the 2020 G20 Presidency year: .Empowering People, by creating the conditions in which people– especially women and youth– can live, work and thrive, with discussions on policies related to access to opportunities for all, sustainable development goals, trade and investment, financial inclusion, employment, women empowerment, health, education, and tourism. .Safeguarding the Planet, by fostering collective efforts to protect our environment, with discussions on environment, climate, water, food, and energy. .Shaping New Frontiers, by adopting long-term and bold strategies to share the benefits of innovation and technological advancement with a strong focus on digital economy. The meeting was chaired by Fahad Almubarak, the Saudi Sherpa, who elaborated: "The G20 has a responsibility to the world to overcome current and emerging issues, to tackle global challenges together, and to make the world a better place for all." Further information about the G20, including the Presidency Agenda and full program of events, can be found at www.g20.org Media Enquiries: [email protected] +966 11 829 6129