The Ministry of Economy and Planning has held a workshop entitled Circular Economy, under the chairmanship of the Ministry's Undersecretary for Sectoral Development Dr. Ibrahim Ba'billi. Among the participants were the Head of the European Union (EU) mission to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf region Ambassador Michele Cervone D'urso. The workshop discussed the definition of circular economy methodology, waste management strategies, support of small enterprises through the circular economy, the mechanisms adopted among the EU member states and the transfer of experience to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the GCC member states. It also reviewed the best practices, in the circular economy, considered as one of the economic vehicles, in many countries of the world and the most important, in terms of progress and organization, in EU member states, including waste management, recycling and support of use of materials, usually, recycled to contribute to the strengthening of economic benefits and reducing operational and environmental costs of the waste. This 2-day workshop, lasted for 11 and 12 February 2018, as an extension of the efforts of the Ministry of Economy and Planning to support and develop the national economy, in order to benefit from the European experience, and consolidate cooperation between the two parties, in this field. An array of technical specialists from the EU member states, officials and experts from the Ministry of Economy and Planning, have taken part in the gathering, in addition to the presence of some representatives of authorities concerned with the economy of recycling and waste management and representatives of companies from the private sector, functioning, in this domain.