The coup carried out by Al-Houthi armed gangs and the pro-forces of their ousted ally Saleh has damaged the spirituality of the holy month of Ramadan among Yemenis. Apart from the waves of exodus from towns to villages, rural areas and abroad, Yemenis are suffering at areas under control of coup militias. Al-Houthi militias of death and terrorism have replaced mosque preachers with others affiliated with them, and prevented performing the Taraweeh prayers in most mosques in the capital Sana'a and some of other cities they dominate. Yemeni Minister of Endowment and Guidance, Ahmed Attiyah has warned the coup militias of the consequences of continuing to impose their alien ideas on the Yemeni society, which are not accepted to Yemenis, calling for mosques' avoidance from sectarian and partisan conflicts. He stressed that the militias have worked to distort the message of the mosques and linking them with the Iranian references that they are trying to impose on the Yemeni people and spreading their deviant ideas that call for destruction rather than building, fighting rather than cohesion and division instead of consensus. He pointed out that the militias have prevented the performing of Taraweeh prayers in mosques, assaulting worshipers and taking them out by force of arms from mosques in addition to kidnapping many of them in acts contrary to the teachings of Islam, violating the sanctity of mosques; continuing violation of the inviolability of mosques and the disruption of social fabrics and coexistence that have been usually known by Yemenis.