Set by Riyadh-based King Salman Relief Center and humanitarian aid, Somali-Yemeni-Djibouti-based shelter camps, accommodating Yemenis escaping the war and other refugees from disaster-stricken countries, were given all kinds of care to provide all fundamentals of ordinary life including medical treatment, housing and education, a report said today. The projects included, educational services, two satellite channels broadcasting about 4,000 lectures to more than 1,000,000 students, in addition to therapeutic projects, construction of housing units and addressing the situation of refugees in Yemen. During 2016, King Salman Center carried out five projects targeting 39,000 beneficiaries with a total cost of $57 million, including the transferring of more than 3,000 Ethiopian refugees from Yemen to Ethiopia, at a cost of $1.7, and the transferring 1240 stranded Yemenis carried out by field teams at the center in seven different countries at a cost of $14.1 million. The center constructed 300 housing units, including schools and mosques in the Republic of Djibouti with an amount of three million dollars, providing accommodation, a decent life and unremitting of education, also followed the arrival of the first shipment of housing units made of composite panels unaffected by weather changes in Djibouti, targeting about 4,000 beneficiaries. The Center also carried out a project to improve safe moving, protection and finding durable solutions for Somali returnees and Yemeni refugees in Somalia, in cooperation with the UNHCR "NUHCR" and the International Organization for Migration IOM at a cost of up to $10 million, in Mogadishu for nearly 20,000 beneficiaries. --More