Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries expressed their support for judicial measures taken by the Kingdom of Bahrain to protect its security, stability and the rule of law, as well as its fight against extremism and the ideas and practices aimed at undermining Bahraini national unity and peaceful coexistence. GCC Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani said that the GCC countries confirmed their support for measures taken by Kingdom of Bahrain against some associations and organizations that have consistently committed practices that conflict with Bahraini applicable laws, fueling sectarian, provoking discord and violence to achieve the objectives of foreign parties that do not want good for Bahrain and its people, and seek to undermine its security and stability. Al-Zayani stressed that the GCC expressed their solidarity with the Kingdom of Bahrain, its democratic approach, political action and opening-up within the reformist project of Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, away from any foreign interference and political or religious authorities. He called on foreign countries and organizations to respect the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Bahrain, its constitution, laws and judiciary authority and non-interfere in Bahraini internal affairs.