South Korea's ruling conservative party has suffered a surprise crash in support and has lost its absolute majority in parliament for the first time in 16 years, broadcaster KBS reported on Wednesday, after more than 90 per cent of the votes were counted, according to dpa. President Park Geun Hye, whose Saenuri Party had been widely expected to come out on top despite a foundering economy, could now become a "lame duck" before she leaves office in 2018. According to the broadcaster's calculations, Saenuri will take only 123 of 300 seats, putting it neck and neck the largest opposition party, the Minjoo or Democratic Party of Korea (MPK), which will take 122 spots. MPK was ahead in constituencies that had not finished their counts and could still overtake Saenuri. South Korea's presidential system permits the head of state to govern even over an opposition majority in parliament, so Park may still try to push through controversial economic reforms.