Shura to study the draft within a period of thirty days. Second: The Cabinet approved cancelling the Center for Measuring Performance of Government Agencies and transferring its staff, property and documents to the Institute of Public Administration, in addition to establishing the National Center for Measuring Performance of Public Agencies. The National Center shall report to the Premier, and its Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President of the Council of Economic Affairs and Development with the membership of Minister State and Member of the Cabinet Dr. Musaed bin Mohammed Al-Aiban; Minister of Economy and Planning; Minister of Civil Service; and Minister of State and Member of the Cabinet Mohamed bin Abdulmalik Al Al-Sheikh. The Director General of the National Center shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Third: The Cabinet approved a number of arrangements regarding the draft of public policies for real estate finance. Forth: The Cabinet approved a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of water between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco, which was signed in Rabat on 01/05/1436. --More 16:56 LOCAL TIME 13:56 GMT تغريد