The trade balance surplus between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries of the world in 2013 amounted to SR 778.941 million, while the Kingdom's trade with these countries during the years from 2004 to 2013 witnessed a great development and the surplus in the trade balance of the Kingdom during this period recorded between SR 294.832 million in 2004 and SR 874.171 million in the year 2011. The Department of Statistics and Information revealed in trade exchange release between the Kingdom and major trading partners in 1434 AH / 1435 AH that the world witnessed during that period the highest value of exports worth SR 1,456,502 million in 2012, and they were the least value of SR 472,491 million in 2004; while in 2013, they amounted to SR 1,409,523 million, and the most important countries to which the Kingdom exported for the year 2013 included the United States of America, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Italy, and the total value of exports to these countries accounted for 73%. --More 12:38 LOCAL TIME 09:38 GMT تغريد