Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced that he is prepared to meet the Russian leadership. The Prime Minister told a news conference in Tbilisi that thorough preparations for the such a meeting should be made yet. "It should be planned and organized very well to yield result," he declared. "It is too early to say yet when such a meeting might take place and which format it would be held in," he added. On Friday, Secretary of the Georgian Security Council Irina Imerlishvili confirmed that Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili was prepared to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss "only key, problematic aspects in bilateral relations", as she put it. She narrowed "the key problematic aspects" to the situation in respect to South Ossetia and Abkhazia and an Agreement on strategic partnership and the relations of allies that Russia and Abkhazia signed on November 24.