considered goals will not achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions unless the national circumstances and capacities of each country is taken into account, and they are in line with the different stages of economic development. Saudi Arabia, therefore, is aware of the importance of partnership and collaboration between the public and private sector in climate activities and international initiatives that help states and private sectors to achieve the objectives in a comprehensive and balanced manner. In this regard, The Kingdom has made progress to join international initiatives to support its national efforts. First: Saudi Arabia joined the Global Methane Initiative (GMI). Second: Saudi Arabia is a member of The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) since 2005 and is effectively engaged in all the forum activities. Third: We are also actively involved in the Initiative on Building Efficiency and Reduction of Associated CO2 Emissions under the umbrella of the Major Economies Forum. Fourth: The Kingdom is a member of the Four Kingdoms, alongside the UK, Norway, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia. The four countries have programs and effectively cooperate to develop CO2 capture and storage technologies or utilize it in industrial and commercial uses, including enhanced oil field production. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. In conclusion, Saudi Arabia believes that the environmentally-friendly economic and social development around the globe is the key, and the cutting-edge technology will provide a lot of solutions to environmental challenges, as it has done for humanity throughout history. But this requires more innovation, cooperation and investments. Undoubtedly, we, countries and individuals, are responsible for addressing the environmental challenges. But we must bear in mind that developed countries need to take the lead in this area based on their potential and historic responsibility. Ultimately, global problems require joint efforts to be solved.