Shura has taken part in their study and on results reached by the Cabinet's Bureau of Experts, General Committee , and it decided the following: First: The Cabinet authorized the Minister of Foreign Affairs - or his deputy - to discuss with the side of Peru a general draft agreement on cooperation between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Republic of Peru, sign it, and submit the final signed version of the agreement for the completion of statutory procedures. Second: After review of the report submitted by President of the General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA), and after consideration of Majlis Al-Shura's resolution No. (57/34) 29/04/2014, the Cabinet approved the air transport agreement signed on May 27, 2013 in Jeddah between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the United States of America. A royal decree has been prepared for this purpose. Among the most prominent features of this agreement: 1 - Each of the two parties shall give the other party the right to fly over its territory without landing on it, the right to stop in its territory for non-traffic purposes and the right of transport practice. 2 - Both parties shall submit to each other - on demand - all necessary assistance to prevent unlawful acts of highjacking airplanes and to prevent any other illegal acts against the safety of such airplanes, passengers and their crews as well as against airports and air navigation facilities. --More 15:11 LOCAL TIME 12:11 GMT تغريد