Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulmohsen Al-Turki, the Secretary General of the Makkah-based Muslim World league (MWL) said today that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is always keen to unite Muslim leaders, citing the extraordinary summit for Islamic Solidarity the monarch called for in Makkah several years ago. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 4th international conference on Islamic architecture and arts, which was patronized by Algerian President Abdulaziz Bouteflika and organized by the Islamic Universities league in cooperation with Prince Abdulqader University for Islamic Sciences and the third branch of the university of Constantine at the university's headquarters, Al-Turki spoke about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's pioneering role in the service of the two holy mosques and their rehabilitation over recent history, citing the two holy mosques largest expansion in history by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. He underscored the importance of Muslim nation's coming together to tackle their internal problems and differences to be able to defend the religion through distancing themselves from partisanship or using the religion for political purposes.