Terrorism Agreement. Moreover, the GCC member States have also made several steps aimed to reinforce and cement the basic rules for the success of any entity, such as the unification of many of the laws, legislations and regulations in the field of security, education, health, insurance, retirement, trade, agriculture, industry, investment and stock trading, justice and real estate ownership. The GCC's notable integrated achievements at political, economic, military and social levels, have enabled their countries, as an unified system, to consolidate their status on the regional and international arena, contribute to the strengthening of security and stability in the Arab Gulf region and the Middle East and playing a constructive role in supporting developing countries in various parts of the world. GCC's member States are still playing their humanitarian roles with all the determination and dedication for the good of the human being wherever they are, to the extent that the GCC becomes now a towering monument embodying the finest images of Gulf cohesion and solidarity and a symbol of determination, hope and ambition. The celebration of this occasion falls today while the GCC's blessed march has accomplished a lot of achievements and many joint projects, in addition to coordination, cooperation and integration in all fields. On this occasion, the GCC Secretariat issued a report on the development of the Council in all areas.