Assad and his ally Hezbollah will complicate the Syrian crisis. On a related issue, Alwatan newspaper commented on the use of Russia on Thursday evening of the veto to pre-empt a resolution by the UN Security Council saying it reasserts the demand by the kingdom to reform the UN. Finally, Alriyadh newspaper wondered about "to whom the Arab masses will chant", saying, "It is true that the changes that have occurred in the Arab world are still spontaneous, extreme with their creeds and make irreversible judgments, but this category that belongs to the elements of militancy and extremism does not represent the mature consciousness because they are far from the cultures and knowledge, pursuing a method of takfir and interpretation of life through a single narrow view." The newspaper added, "Many believe that the Arab world is undergoing another stage albeit different from the past five decades because the alliance between awareness and culture and their pairing with a new behavior are the insurance that the barracks will not have power over the centers of the state to restore the previous life."