Riyadh newspaper asked if crimes of war and racism and violations of international law are dropped due to obsoleteness, become selective and applied for the benefit of Israel in German compensation for Nazi crimes and waived for the rights of people colonized and subjected to all methods of occupation, apartheid, and genocide of indigenous peoples in favor of new immigrants and all of this is past history whose sin is only borne by past governments and generations. The newspaper explained that Europe, America, Japan and other countries have black records in their recent and old history; however, we do not find compensation for those crimes that took place in South America, Asia and Africa. Even Australia, which recorded the most dangerous settlement at the expense of people exterminated, displaced and left as a witness to the fact that this continent was born on the blood of peaceful people whose great problem was that they lived by nature, and were considered savage who do not deserve life. The newspaper concluded that there is nothing in the horizon that makes justice a reality that is applied in accordance with customary rights, and perhaps the myth of justice is only a measure of the rule of force on the laws and regulations. --More