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Two royal orders, amending the Shura Council system and forming the new chamber, issued. Names of the Speaker and 150 members of the new Majlis Ashura, including women, announced 2 Riyadh
committees of the Shura Council will be formed by the Shura Council itself of a number of members no less than five. They will be chosen by the Shura Council, naming the committee's Chairman and deputy, and taking into consideration the needs of the committee and the profession of each committee member as well as the participation of women in the committees. The Shura Council will have the right to form ad hoc committees to study specific issues. Each committee is allowed to form from among its members a sub-committe or more to study a specific issue. Women, selected as members of the Shura Council, will enjoy full rights of memebrship, be committed to their duties, responsibilites and assume their jobs. As per the introduction of this order, women, who are members of the Shura Council, will be asked to strictly follow the Islamic Sharia regulations, without any kind of violation, including the Shraia head and face covers (Hijab). In particular, the following points should be observed: 1- A special seating place will be allocated for women of the Shura Council, a special entrace and exit to and from the Council main hall will also be constructed and all relevant things in complete non-touch with men. 2- Special places will be allotted for women, guaranteering complete isolation from those allotted for men, including special offices for them and for their workers and helpers, e.g. special appliances and services and prayer places. This order should be carried with immediate effect", the Royal Order said. --More