An avalanche warning was made in Sochi on Tuesday. The avalanche hazardous situation is expected in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1,500 metres above the sea level within a day, the Krasnodar territorial emergency situation department told Itar-Tass on Tuesday. Avalanches may also go down in the Apsheronsk and Mostovsk districts in Kuban. The rescuers do not rule out probable emergency situations up to the municipal level that were triggered by the broken overhead telecommunications and electric power lines, the breakdowns at the life-supporting facilities and the disruption of the traffic on the roads, bridges and tunnels. The tourists are recommended to refrain from walking trips in the mountains, the mountain skiers are recommended to go skiing only on the specially assigned routes. Three avalanches of 200 cubic metres went down spontaneously near the mountain ski resort Roza Khutor, the emergency services reported. Neither casualties nor damaged facilities were reported. Sixty avalanches were reported in the territory from the beginning of the avalanche-hazardous period of time, 50 avalanches were brought down forcibly as the preventive measure.