Most High be He- in order for them to return back home free of sins such as on the day they were born, and have been given a new chance to reform themselves and be useful members of their societies. During Hajj many types of sympathy prevail on this earth. There is no difference between one language and another, nor between one race and another. The rich help the poor, and the strong help the weak. All hearts are united on one call to Allah, and the unity of the nation is achieved, so that the sublime social purpose which Islam sought will be fulfilled: "O mankind! We created You from a single (pair), Of a male and a female, And made you into Nations and tribes that Ye may know each other, Not that ye may despise, (Each other). Verily, The most honoured of you, In the sight of Allah, Is (he who is) the most, Righteous of you, And Allah has full knowledge, And is well acquainted, (with all things). [Al-Hujurat - 13] Dear brothers and sisters: We are in dire need of true solidarity which maintains the unity of the nation, protects it from fragmentation, division, and prohibits the bloodletting which Allah has made sacred. --More