India's Foreign Minister, S.M. Krishna said on Sunday that the people and government of India wanted to see a stable Pakistan, Dawn News reported. The visiting Indian minister met with Chief Minister of Punjab, Mian Shahbaz Sharif and Governor Punjab, Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz met with the Indian foreign minister at the chief minister's house during which both the leaders discussed bilateral issues between the two countries. While speaking on the occasion, Shahbaz said that talks between India and Pakistan should discuss all outstanding issues. Earlier Krishna met with Governor Punjab during which the Indian foreign minister told Khosa that his government wanted to maintain good neighbourly relations with Pakistan. Krishna added that the two countries had developed better ties in the era of democracy and that the issues between the two countries could not be resolved through one or two meetings rather it needed the process of dialogue to continue. While speaking on the occasion Governor Khosa said that all issues between the two countries including the Kashmir issue should be resolved by the process of dialogues. Khosa further said that the people of both countries wanted to end the politics of hate adding the younger generation of both countries wanted to take the message of peace forward. Earlier while talking to the media soon after his arrival at Allma Iqbal International Airport on Sunday for a one-day visit to the city in the last leg of his 3-day visit to Pakistan along with 83-member delegation, the Indian Foreign Minister had termed his visit to Pakistan as fruitful saying that he and his Pakistani counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar had signed pacts on visa liberalization and cultural promotion which would help promote bilateral ties. He had further said that dialogue between the leadership of India and Pakistan would be fruitful as Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the people of India wanted peaceful relations with Pakistan adding that peaceful relations between both neighbouring countries would be helpful for the prosperity of the region. Provincial Minister for Planning and Development Chaudhry Abdul Ghafoor had welcomed the Indian foreign minister at the airport. Indian High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal was also present. The visiting Indian foreign minister was also expected to meet with the chief of Pakistan's main opposition party, the Pakistan Muslim League- Nawaz (PML-N), and former prime minister, Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif before departing for India later today.