Emma Marcegaglia, nicknamed the “Steel Lady,” Thursday was named the head of Italy's Confindustria national employers' association in a major first for her country's male-dominated business elite. The new president received a standing ovation from her peers and a large bouquet of red roses from outgoing Confindustria chief Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, the ANSA news agency reported. Known for her tenacity as the managing director of her family's steel company, Marcegaglia, 42, said she was “very moved” by the appointment. “She's a talented and competent person, a woman and a young entrepreneur,” center-left leader Walter Veltroni said Thursday, while conservative opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi offered “all my best wishes.” Marcelgaglia succeeds Fiat chairman Montezemolo after overwhelmingly winning election by Italy's captains of industry last month with 95 percent of the vote. It took a century for a woman to achieve the feat. Women make up around five percent of the board members of Italy's listed companies and only nine percent of high-level management positions, according to a study by Milan's Bocconi University. She will unveil her program on April 23 before taking charge of the organization at its May 21-22 general assembly. “I hope to send a signal in a country that has dragged its feet on rejuvenating its leaders.” __