The Ministry of Social Affairs has put into action a plan to take Saudi beggars off the streets and give them the opportunity to lead productive lives. The scheme involves taking Saudi beggars who have been held by authorities and giving them financial assistance and employment opportunities. Recent figures from the ministry show that Saudis made up between 13 and 21 percent of all beggars detained over the last five years, representing a steady rise in Saudi presence over the period. A ministry official said that although foreigners represent the vast majority of beggars on the Kingdom's streets, the authorities have been seeking guaranteed solutions to the problem of Saudi nationals engaging in begging. “On the other hand, the problem of foreign beggars,” the official said, “is solved simply by deporting them.” The plan to tackle Saudis begging involves increasing social security provisions and working with the Anti-Beggary Administration and social care institutions and hospitals to provide health care, plus care and educational bodies for the provision of suitable accommodation and social integration. Through contact between Anti-Beggary offices and employment agencies the plan further hopes to provide Saudi beggars with job opportunities in the private sector.