MUMBAI – It's been a singularly happy Eid for actor Salman Khan whose new film “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” made 100 crores ($15.7 million) in its opening weekend, NDTV reported. In fact, the film has already collected a little over the benchmark figure in box office receipts. “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” released on July 17, the beginning of the Eid weekend which has traditionally been reserved for Salman on the Bollywood calendar. “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” trails in the wake of in the blockbuster takings of the multi-lingual “Baahubali” - Rs 300 crores so far - which spent a week in theaters before Salman's film arrived. However, “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” has broken the other Khans' record, making its 100 crores quicker than Aamir's “PK” and Shah Rukh's “Happy New Year,” both of which stopped just short of the finish line in weekend one. PK is currently Bollywood's biggest earner at home and abroad. Salman's biggest film so far has been 2014's “Kick” which made Rs 231.85 crores. Salman is also the actor with the most 100 crores films to his name. “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” is blockbuster #8, a number unsurpassed by any other actor. Poised to break more records, the film is this year's biggest Bollywood film, outstripping films like “Tanu Weds Manu Returns” and “ABCD 2.” – Agencies