JEDDAH — The net value of shares bought by foreign and institutional investors is AED26.8 million – AED17.3m for the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange and AED9.5m for the Dubai Financial Market. This accounts for about 45.7 per cent of total capital market trading, as the results of purchases amounted to AED42m, compared with sales of about AED23.6m, and net foreign investments amounted to AED18.5m. Non-Arab foreign investors have the largest net purchases of about AED22.2m, while GCC nationals sold shares worth AED3.4m and Arabs sold shares worth AED381. In contrast, business investment registered a net sale value of AED1.1m – purchases amounted to AED38.1m and sales were about AED39.2m. The net value of shares bought by foreign and institutional investors reached AED2.1m, distributed as AED345.5m for purchases and sales at AED343.4m. The net value of purchases by GCC nationals amounted to AED10.2m, while Arab investors sold AED2.9m. Non-Arab foreign investors' net purchases stood at AED11.1m. The value of shares bought by investment entities totaled AED7.4m compared with AED83.1m. — Agencies