JEDDAH — An expatriate woman has caused controversy by running a plastic surgery clinic at her home, Al-Hayat reported. The woman, of an Arab nationality, said the services she offers are hair loss treatments, Botox, lip augmentation, skin lightening, liposuction and others. She said: “My home-clinic is fully equipped with the necessary equipment and technology and my services are not expensive. “I do a hair loss treatment in which I separate the red blood cells from the plasma in a blood sample before I inject plasma into the scalp.” She added all of her services are hygienic and medically sound. A source from the Ministry of Health said the ministry cannot intervene until it receives a report from the police. He said: “If no one is complaining or experiencing any negative effects from her services then there is nothing we can do. “Turning your home into a clinic is unusual but if she managed to meet the ministry regulations then she shouldn't be bothered about it.” However, Jeddah National Guard Hospital plastic surgery consultant Dr. Haitham Jamjoom said taking blood samples at home is risky. He said: “There is no guarantee that the equipment used is sanitary. “The slightest negligence could infect the patient with AIDS, hepatitis and other fatal diseases. “Practitioners who operate plastic surgeries from their home have increased in number in our society.” He believed the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Health should interfere because patients are at “great medical and legal risk”. “Having the correct equipment without the certified doctor is not enough to execute a safe surgery and having the certified doctor without the equipment is also risky. “If the woman is certified and has the right equipment why does she have to run the clinic from home? “Why doesn't she open a clinic legally and offer her services?”