With regard to the article "Only Saudis should work in the retail sector" (Mar. 21), Saudis should work everywhere, not just in the retail sector. Private sector companies are owned by Saudis. However, have you ever wondered why they only seem to want to hire expats and not Saudis? The writer should find out and then write another article. Regarding his suggestion that businesses should be closed in order to restrict the number of expats working in the Kingdom, expat workers will find jobs anywhere. However, will Saudis survive the closure of businesses? Mahesh, Online response The policy in Saudi Arabia known as tasattur (businesses registered in the name of Saudis but run by expatriates) is absolutely legal in the UAE. Their policies allow expatriates to work with citizens in partnership. In order to have 100 percent Saudis working in the private sector, why not just kick all the expats out of the country? The reason is that business owners require workers who are ready and willing to work hard. That's why businessmen have invested their money and are doing business here. You cannot institute a policy on the basis of race. Shahdi, Online response Who is stopping Saudis from working in retail stores? It's your country, your regulations, but it's all hard work in a retail store. Will a Saudi agree to take a job in a retail store? Give him the retail store and let him run it. Then you will need an expat to do the work. Bash Gul, Online response I think that the author of this article neither owns nor is involved in any business in Saudi Arabia. Before proposing such wonderful ideas, he should at least start a small business and employ 100 percent Saudis and then see what happens. He will be bankrupt within a few months! Reader, Online response