UTTAR PRADESH — Nanhu was known for catching snakes in his village besides working as a domestic help. Catching snakes had started as a hobby for Nanhu, but as his popularity in catching the slithery reptile spread, he started earning good money from it. But who knew that one day the 50-year-old snake catcher would die after catching and eating a cobra. According to one Dheeraj Yadav of Kakaiyapara village in Sitapur district, close to the Uttar Pradesh capital, called Nanhu after he spotted a cobra in his bedroom. The snake catcher immediately went to Yadav's house and caught the cobra, but in the process the cobra bit Nanhu's hand. Irked by the snake's attack, Nanhu chopped its head off head and ate the body after roasting the dead reptile outside Yadav's house, India Today reported. Yadav said that soon after eating the snake, Nanhu started vomiting and complained of dizziness. "We immediately rushed him to the local primary health centre where the doctors declared him brought dead," he said.