MUMBAI — As Narendra Modi takes to Twitter to disapprove of anti-Muslim remarks, he is happy to share the stage with the leaders who continue to spread hatred among communities. Shiv Sena leader Ramdas Kadam said on Monday that “Muslims” who vandalized police vehicles, damaged public property and attacked women police personnel during the Azad Maidan riots in August 2011, “will not be spared, ” in a public rally in Kalyan, Mumbai which was by led by Modi. Kadam added that Modi will also avenge the attacks on Indian soldiers by Pakistan once he became the prime minister. “Within six months of becoming the PM, Modi will take action against those Pakistanis who have beheaded our soldiers. Manmohan Singh and (Maharashtra CM) Prithviraj Chavan are shameless, but Modi will not spare those Pakistanis.” The Congress accused the BJP of playing votebank politics. “These vitriolic comments are not good. These are being done only for vote bank. I strongly condemn these statements,” Congress leader Digvijaya Singh said. Kapil Sibal added, “This is all politics. He (Modi) himself gives such statements. He has a forked tongue.”