Under the pictures, you will find the respective e-mail addresses and websites of the concerned companies. If you want to get in touch with the representative of the concerned company please do not hesitate dropping a line to the respective. e-mails so as to check the availability of the concerned persons. The respective offices in Belgium and/or in Saudi Arabia will reply instantly to find out open time slots for a meeting. Enclosed you will find pictures of 76 members of our business delegation. If you are interested in the other 274 participants (or companies) who are joining the Belgian economic mission, please do not hesitate contacting the two trade departments of the Belgian Embassy or visit the website: www.belgianeconomicmission.be. On the website you will find, aside of an overview of the general program, also the pictures and company descriptions of the 350 participants. The trade departments of the Belgian Embassy: For Flanders and Brussels: Flanders Investment & Trade, www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com [email protected] Economic Counselor: Kris (Kristoffel) Castelein For Wallonia: Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, www.awex.be, [email protected] Economic Counselor: Jean-Jacques Manigart