Rayan Karkadan If you think that you need tickets to watch grown men run around in a glass box after a piece of rubber while yelling and laughing and slamming each other against the wall, think again! As fun as that sounds for someone to watch, it is double the fun for someone to participate in the action-packed game of squash. Let's face it, we live sedentary lifestyles but in today's Saudi Arabia and Gulf region, changes in society means moving around and remaining active is an absolute must. But the problem with most options is they are sometimes boring, especially if one puts in mind that physical activity is an obligation to stay in shape. This is not the case with the thrilling game of squash. “I play football, basketball, ping pong and even bowl from time to time but this has to be the most energizing, competitive and fun game in the world,” said Omar, a squash enthusiast who has been playing the game for the past 18 years. He also helped start a group for squash players to meet and compete against one another. “I've been playing for a long time but the group has helped me meet new people and strengthen relationships with existing friends,” he added. The nature of the game is such that it automatically gives you that fast-paced dose of movement in your busy week. Squash is played indoors on a court that is closed off from all four sides. The fourth side is transparent for people to watch through. Two players, two rackets and a special rubber ball is all you need to start smashing or “squashing” your negative energy against walls that won't complain. With rules similar to traditional tennis, players scramble to strike the ball before it bounces twice, something which requires a lot of running, moving and quite a bit of strength. All members of the group agreed that joining has improved their fitness but there is another crucial point that fellow member Ammar brought up that might just be the solution to the physical activity problems in Saudi Arabia. “Squash only requires two players but it's also important to remember that it is played indoors, which means it is not affected by weather conditions and is very easy to organize and commit to,” he said while adding that there are courts for women as well. If you live in Saudi Arabia, you must have had an outing with your family where it had been too humid to enjoy if you are in Jeddah, or too hot and sandy if you are in Riyadh. Trying to play sports in such conditions is by no means fun but this is not the case with squash, a sport that not only increases friendship but constantly teaches players new tricks. “You should never stop moving around the court and don't be afraid to use that upper body strength in your swing,” these were the words of experienced squash player Omar, also a member of the group and someone who has helped many players improve their game and the way they learn. The beauty of sports is that when you learn something, you are met with instant gratification when you apply it and there is nothing more gratifying than meeting regularly with a bunch of friends, learning new thing, and then having those same friends cheer you on as you apply what you learned. Also, you know deep down inside that your health and fitness are improving as well. The group is called “Squash is a Metaphor” for unrelated reasons to this article. But squash is indeed a metaphor. Today, in Saudi Arabia, it is not just a game. It is a solution to our problems of staying active, healthy and fit. It is a gratifying style of learning. It can be played by men and women but most importantly, it is wrapped up and packaged in this key word that we've been missing in our lives: Squash is a Metaphor for fun.