Taher Zaroog TRIPOLI – Misrata may be about to reverse its call for all Misratan congressmen and members of the government to withdraw from public office, following a visit today from a high-level GNC delegation. The 19-man GNC party flew into Misrata in a private jet for three hours of talks with members of the local Shura, the town council and military representatives. According to someone who attended, the discussions, despite an occasionally tense atmosphere, were generally friendly. They were held in the city's new Al-Massa Hotel. The GNC party, included Sulaiman Gajama (Yefren) who is chairman of the oil committee, Mohamed Abu Sidra (Benghazi) and Mohamed Margham. They said that they had been sent by the GNC presidency, not specifically by Nuri Abu Sahmain himself, to ask that the planned political withdrawal be abandoned. The Misratans explained that the decision to withdraw had been taken by the people. It would therefore be necessary to consult with them again, if there were to be a change. However, there were strong indications from the Misratan notables that the response was likely to be positive. – Libya Herald