Qaf Group Holding Company has established it's headquarters in Riyadh under the sponsorship of its Chairman Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Suwaidi. The Group is the first company specialized in management and development of endowments in the Islamic world which will provide services in the beginning in Saudi Arabia, and then expand during the mid-year 2014 to Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, and Brunei. The company aims to provide services for the management and development of assets in kind and specifically asset endowment through direct investments or financed by endowment real estate funds through licensed entities to provide services that help endowments parties to improve their income and maximize revenues and the distribution of risks and provide any other activities consistent with the goals and objectives the company. Qaf Group Holding Company seeks to fill part of the gap and large market opportunities in asset development services and global Islamic endowments through the provision of appropriate services to endowments sector and increase efficiency in their performance. This sector is suffering mostly from being neglected to a large extent or had been ignored by the existing Islamic financial institutions and there is a clear need for the application of financing techniques and modern Islamic development in order to help developing this sector. This will include cooperation with financial licensed parties from CMA for every country in the development of this sector through the provision of adequate funding through the development of investment funds and instruments as well as other services as custody and professional asset management in order to maximize endowments returns and thus increase the amount available to the beneficiaries of endowments. – SG