Saudi Gazette report DAMMAM — Ministry of Justice statistics revealed there were 251 extortion and threat cases during the first half of this year, Al-Sharq newspaper reported. The Eastern Province topped the list with 60 cases, while the Riyadh region had 28 cases. Lawyer Abdulaziz Al-Asiri said the victim files a complaint with the police or the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia), which will investigate the case. The suspects then referred to the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution to question the suspect. If evidence proves that the complaint is valid, the case will be referred to the courts. He said extortion could be of a sexual or financial nature, where the offender blackmails the victim if the latter does not comply with the former's demand. Lawyer Taha Al-Hajji said crimes that involve illegally obtaining sensitive information differ in circumstances, whether the demands are financial or not and whether the victim is a juvenile, mentally disturbed, or has special needs. He said extortion and threats are major crimes. Lawyer Sultan Al-Enezi said such crimes should be considered according to their end result. Information crimes include photographing a victim and hacking computers to obtain confidential information and they are punishable with a fine and imprisonment.