The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is commemorating the World Migratory Bird Day, which was celebrated on Saturday, as the United Nations is working to promote awareness of the importance of migratory birds to environment and the challenges that they might face. Saudi Arabia was able to achieve ecological balance and protect migratory birds by enacting a series of programs and laws governing the hunting of these birds, especially falcons, and the associated heritage hobby passed down from generation to generation. Last November, the Saudi Falcons Club launched a special program to raise awareness of the importance of endemic and migratory falcons and encourage them to return to their natural homes, aiming at encouraging their reproduction and ensuring the long-term survival of wildlife and rare breeds. This environmental program embodies the ambitious goals of the Kingdom vision 2030 to save the wild and environmental life in Saudi Arabia. This year, the program succeeded in reviving 28 "nest" accommodating 60 chicks including "Lanner" and "Barbary" Falcons in eight administrative regions. Surveillance aims to establish an optimal habitat for falcons, protect them from encroachment and provide documented evidence of the release stage before the chicks' ability to fly, as well as ensure the breeding phase between falcons and protect them from raptors and the threats they face. It is noteworthy that the "Lanner Falcon "Wakri", Barbary Falcon "Shaheen" and the Saker Falcon "Hurr", are among the falcons for which hunting is forbidden in Saudi Arabia in order to restore the ecological balance of endangered falcons. — SPA