CAIRO – Egypt's exports rose by 12 percent in January 2013, recording LE11.2 billion compared to LE10.2 billion in the same month last year, the ministry of industry and foreign trade said Monday. Minister Hatem Saleh said the rise by an increase in exports of several exporting sectors adding that the current political impasse prevented exports from reaching an unprecedented rise. The ministerial report showed that exports from the agriculture and textiles sectors increased significantly in 2013 against 2012, reaching LE1.5 billion and LE427 million, respectively. Furniture exports slumped by 2 percent, recording LE176 million; chemicals and fertilizers exports declined from LE2.4 billion in 2012 to LE1.8 billion in 2013. Saudi Arabia and Libya rank first on the list of countries importing from Egypt last year as their imports registered LE1.189 billion and LE922 million respectively. Egyptian exports to the US decreased from LE718 million in 2012 to LE513 million in 2013. — SG/Agencies