MUMBAI – At a TV channel's 20th birthday bash, ex flames cricketer Yuvraj Singh and actress Kim Sharma were spotted under one roof after a long time, according to Both Yuvraj and Kim made every effort to not come face-to-face with one another, reported. Sharma was spotted at a social gathering after a while and she socialized with everyone. "Though she was moving around at the venue, she made sure that she did not come in seeing distance of Yuvraj," said an onlooker. Yuvraj, on the other hand, preferred to stay in a corner with Sushmita Sen and her group of friends. He looked more than happy to just click pictures in his zone. Over the past year, the two came face-to-face at a fashion event but as soon as Yuvraj realized Kim was around too, the cricketer quietly made an exit. In 2010, Kim had a hush-hush wedding with Kenyan businessman Ali Punjani and relocated to Nairobi. When asked about the split on Simi Garewal's chat show Yuvraj said: "At that time I was just peaking in my career. Yes, I was going to get married, as she has been the main love of my life. She is married now so it's not good to talk about her." – SG