MUMBAI — Salman Khan was in a jolly mood as he turned 47 on Thursday. The superstar came up with another of his signature witty one-liners when he was asked about the best gift he has ever received. According to, Khan jokingly said, “Main paida ho gaya yeh hi sabse bada gift hai sabke liye” (My birth is the biggest gift for everyone). But his best gift may actually be the fact that he was exempted from appearing before a Mumbai court regarding a 2002 hit-and-run case, as reported by India Today. The court has reportedly exempted the actor from personal appearance on his birthday, but fixed Jan. 30 as the next hearing date. Khan usually spends his birthday with friends and family at his farmhouse, but this year was different; he said there was no party as such. However, reports say Khan left for Panvel for a big birthday bash with his nearest and dearest. — SG