MUMBAI — Ali Zafar is going into films. Buying a keyboard from the sale of paintings he made as a 30-minute sketch artist, he catapulted to fame with the overnight success of his song, Channo, India's DNA showbiz news agency said on Friday. Then, he has decided to change tracks with his debut film Tere Bin Laden. Since then he has established himself as an actor in Bollywood and also composed hit numbers for films. Singer or actor? When asked, the Pakistani singing sensation who was recently featured as the third-most Google searched singer in India replies, “I remain a humble student of both. I balance both my passions by continuing to compose my music, some for my films and some for my albums.” With a host of Pakistani artistes making their mark in the Indian entertainment industry, Ali tells about the lure of Indian entertainment industry for artistes from across the border. “Despite limited exposure Pakistani artistes have been able to make their mark internationally on the basis of their talent, perseverance and have not shied away from experimenting with sound and ideas,” he told the Daily News and Analysis. — Agencies