Pakistan has banned an Indian-made comedy film about Osama Bin Laden for fear it could spark terrorist attacks, officials said Wednesday. The film, “Tere Bin Laden,” is about a Pakistani journalist desperate to get a visa to the US who pretends to score an interview with the elusive Al-Qaeda chief after finding a look-alike. Though a Bollywood film, it is unusual because it stars a Pakistani actor, Ali Zafar. The film was set for release in Pakistan and elsewhere Friday. Pakistan's film censor board decided that, because of the bin Laden connection, the movie could trigger terrorist attacks in a nation already suffering from them, said a senior board member. They noted that the decision can be appealed. Zafar's manager Faraz Ahmed said the actor, currently in Mumbai, was aware of the decision but that it had not been conveyed in writing. He said they were still in touch with Pakistani authorities in hopes of getting clearance. “I know that an appeal against the board order will be filed today,” he said.