According to media news, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has directed the oil and gas regulation authorities of Pakistan to reduce the compressed natural gas (CNG) prices by 30 rupees per kg after it ruled that linkage of CNG with petroleum products was unlawful. After the increase in the price of petroleum products, people are using CNG as an alternative to run their vehicles. The debate on the supremacy of the judiciary and Parliament is continuing in Pakistan. Parliamentarians belonging to both the ruling party and the opposition claim that Parliament is supreme and argue that the Supreme Court cannot bypass Parliament's rulings. However, the reality is that after the failure of Parliament, the Supreme Court is trying hard to provide relief to ordinary people. In Third World countries where the ruling class always use the judiciary to provide cover to their illegal and unconstitutional acts and always need powerless judiciary to provide cover for their corruption stories, the judiciary in Pakistan is trying hard to change this trend. Due to this brave stance, the judiciary is facing tough opposition from Pakistan's ruling class. During the time of the former dictator Musharraf, the chief justice of Pakistan suffered six months illegal detention with his small children. After massive public pressure and a countrywide movement, the Zardari government was forced to restore him as chief justice of Pakistan. Now for the first time in the country's history, the president and prime minister have been seen standing in front of the court. The Supreme Court's brave decisions on the privatization of Pakistan Steel, Swiss bank corruption cases, rental power plants corruption cases, and recently the Asghar Khan case, in which the former ISI chief distributed millions of rupees to corrupt politicians, were highly appreciated by the general public. The chief justice recently went to Baluchistan province and summoned top officials of the government and the security forces after several incidents of target killing occurred. For the first time in the country's history, the Supreme Court also summoned several top officials of Pakistan's powerful secret agencies in the case of a missing person. Several people detained by powerful agencies have also been freed after the intervention of the chief justice and the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Unfortunately in the present democratic era, the judiciary is still facing a difficult time in Pakistan due to the personal interests of the ruling class and powerful agencies which are still not implementing decisions of the Supreme Court in several cases.