INTERSYSTEMS Corporation, a global leader in software for connected care, with a Middle East regional office in Dubai Healthcare City, announced that it was awarded the prestigious 2012 Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific Healthcare IT Company of the Year award for the “extraordinary client value it has delivered in the Asia-Pacific healthcare IT space.” In selecting InterSystems for the award, global research firm Frost & Sullivan employed both qualitative and quantitative benchmarking criteria in the following three areas: Excellence in Growth Strategy & Differentiation, Degree of Innovation in Business Process, and Leadership in Customer Value and Market Penetration. Frost & Sullivan noted that InterSystems' technology and solutions for connected care have won market share and client trust among leading Asia-Pacific healthcare organizations, including several large projects in Japan, China, Hong Kong and Thailand in the past two years. InterSystems TrakCare, an Internet-based unified healthcare information system that rapidly delivers the benefits of an electronic patient record, is already deployed at many of the top hospitals across the Asia-Pacific region, with over 30 sites in China, 30 sites in Thailand, and deployments in Australia, New Zealand, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In addition, InterSystems HealthShare, a strategic healthcare informatics platform that leverages the InterSystems CACHE database and InterSystems Ensemble® integration technology, is now the fastest growth product for InterSystems. “InterSystems understands there is a significant trend towards high-volume, highly complex installations rather than incremental enhancements at isolated organizations,” said Natasha Gulati, Industry Analyst, Asia-Pacific Healthcare Practice, Frost & Sullivan. “To capture growth from this trend, InterSystems is increasingly working with government agencies and large private healthcare groups. – SG