Syeda Amtul Saudi Gazette As school kicked off on Saturday, the organizers of the “Passport Competition” are visiting schools in Jeddah and its neighboring cities to encourage more children to participate in the competition. The team named “Cady and Ramadi” are visiting both boys' and girls' schools to explain the idea behind the competition. Although, entries have been pouring in from children, the organizers expect more. Safah Bintul Watan, a popular children's character, is accompanying the team to add more fun and joy to the literary task. At Al-Hamra School, the girls were thrilled to learn about the competition and wanted to procure a copy of the Passport. Schools next on the map are Dar-ul Zikr School, Al-Anjal School, Al Andalus School, Al Rawad School,Al Nasr School, Rozatul-Marafah, Dar ul Fikr school, among many others. To participate in the competition, the children have to read the book thoroughly and write a short description about the place which has not been mentioned in the book. The contestants then need to attach a picture before sending it to the organizers. The children can get their copies of the Saudi “Passport” at Jarir, Virgin Megastores, Ana Ghair Mall or from Kadi and Ramadi office. The competition is also being broadcasted on Saudi channels. Associations supporting the tour are Jameat-ul-bar (The Charitable Society) King Abdullah Association for Children of Disability and Markz Oon.