When I first thought of writing on this topic, I felt that I should try to explain why it is important to have a critical mind and I decided to analyze in detail whatever I came across on a daily basis. As I began to do so and to write notes on whatever I observed, I became convinced of the importance of approaching matters with a critical mindset. On many occasions, I found that approaching a decision with an in-depth analysis of the evidence at hand helped to guide my decision making process. Before deciding what to do, I tried to examine all the possibilities that pertained to the particular matter, which eventually helped me to make an informed decision. I found that approaching things critically assisted me in communicating my beliefs clearly and accurately. If I want to state an idea, thinking critically allows me to consider all the possibilities on how best to present my idea so that it is understood by everyone. When people express their appreciation of the way I have chosen to present my ideas, I explain to them that this is due to the thought I have put into the matter before offering my opinion about it. Additionally, it helps me defend a reasonable position, as well as formulate plausible hypotheses and ask appropriate questions. When information is given to me, my critical mindset allows me to integrate all the items involved and, as a consequence, helps me decide what to believe or how to act. In other words, I put all the data I have available on the table and carefully examine it to reach a conclusion on what to do with what I have or how to proceed from there. Having a critical mindset also helps me judge the credibility of sources and identify conclusions, reasons, and assumptions. Furthermore, it helps me evaluate the quality of an argument in terms its reasons, assumptions, and evidence. Having a critical mindset instead of a passive one is the key to success.
— The writer is a Saudi academic who can be reached at [email protected]