Fatima Muhammad Saudi GazetteJEDDAH – Himaya Association, a charitable institution that protects women and children from abuse, has helped train 10 women as seamstresses. The women, all victims of domestic violence, were encouraged to apply their new sewing skills to create income generating activities. Samira Al-Ghamdi, head of the Himaya Association, said the four-month training was part of the Tamkin program which aims to enhance the skills of abused women and help them become independent. At the end of the course each woman received a sewing machine and a certificate. The women, aged between 20 and 45, choose their own designs and all of the products they make will be sold in local bazaars. They keep all proceeds from the sale of their products. Iman Jamil, the general manager of the association, said they have different handicraft training courses which help abuse victims find a source of income. Himaya helps promote their products. __