Since the last one year, the world has been speculating about Saif Ali Khan and Kareena's wedding date. Initially it was believed that the duo would tie the knot in March this year after the release of ‘Agent Vinod', which released and flopped. Now a new date has emerged for the big day – October 16, 2012. It's been nearly a year since the death of Saif's dad and renowned cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan, and he and Kareena are currently in Turkey, where the former is shooting for ‘Race 2'. When contacted about the new dates being circulated Kareena denied everything as usual. “From 2009 until now, I've been asked about the wedding date a hundred times. More than Saif and me, it's others who are obsessing over this. I'm not taking any shaadi break,” fumed the actress.