0 models are being banned by various international fashion industries like the British Fashion Council, some Bollywood actresses, such as, Kareena Kapoor have also been rejected in an attempt to have a size-0 figure. Spain introduced rules banning models with a Body Mass Index (BMI) under 18 appearing on the catwalk in Madrid in 2006. This followed the death of the Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos, who died of heart failure after eating nothing for days. Two months later, the death of the Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston was linked to her battle with anorexia nervosa. Gaunt with the wind? That seems to be a not so hot idea for all the ‘wannabe size-0s' of Bollywood these days. Once blessed with a well-endowed typical Punjab-di-kudi figure, Kareena Kapoor is one actress who was never apologetic about her curves. Unfortunately, Kareena is on a super-weight loosing spree and has toned down terribly. The loss of her curvaceous figure appeal is not only being mourned by her fans; the sentiment is shared by Kareena's co-stars as well. The very charming Fardeen Khan who set the screen on fire with ‘Bebo' in Fida has been quoted as saying, “Kareena had the structure in Bollywood but, she has now lost it.” She broke with Shahid Kapoor, whose closeness to actress Amrita Rao after the break up made news. Perhaps, this had lead to some jealousy. However, Kareena should know that her ‘foe' Amrita Rao appears to be extremely anorexic! However, another Amrita babe – ‘Amrita Arora' is Kareena's best friend. Gossipers accuse that Kareena turned this healthy and curvy girl into a poor size-0. She became another slim-as-a-reed candidate. Says Amrita, “Yeah, Kareena is my best friend. And like all best friends she's a positive influence on me. She introduced me to power yoga and that changed my life and my physicality.” Amrita insists she hasn't lost weight drastically. “It's only my face. Like Kareena's, it's naturally chubby face. I hate it when she and now I, are called anorexic. What a terrible description. “We both love our meals,” she clarifies. “Trust me, Kareena eats heartily, and so do I. I'm doing nothing out of the way. I still go to the gym only once a day and I'm not starving myself. It's just that for the first time in my life I've lost weight on my face. So has Kareena,” she added. Critics say Kareena Kapoor is a walking skeleton. “Her obsession with the size-0 has destroyed her feminine beauty”, said one critic in his blog. “Seriously, I'm really worried about her health. I'm not being naughty, just look at her upper body and the veins in her hand. What has she done? She has become anorexic, less than skeleton. I have no words to describe.” He wrote, adding that “Kareena, please come back to your ‘Ajnabi' days”. However, all actresses including Kareena Kapoor clearly state that they are far from anorexic. Kareena stated, “I have lost weight for my role in a coming movie. I've been training to do some action scenes and hence the sudden weight loss. The media slammed Kareena for losing weight and promoting the trend of super skinny among girls. Kareena was always known as the chubby struggling actress. Her new figure hasn't helped her movie which turned out be a flop. “She is almost androgynous. The only thing you might remember after watching the movie is an anorexic Kareena in a bikini,” said one of her male co-actor in a blog without being named. “Kareena was better off with some weight on. After all it's a fact that curvy women are more attractive,' said nutritionist Dr. Rohit Shetty in his blog. “Women look best when they look like women, and not teenage boys. Physique-wise, smart women include Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Bipasha Basu and Shakira, and not Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie and Kareena Kapoor,” he said.