Jeddah Entrepreneurs Meet 2012 launched a unique entrepreneurship competition for 20 Saudi women contestants. The event is being organized under the patronage and support of Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Emir of the Makkah region, and is considered the first of its kind in the Kingdom. The meet was attended by Prince Saud Bin Khalid Al-Faisal, deputy governor for Investment Affairs at SAGIA; Tawfiq Al-Rabeah, Minister of Commerce; and Abdulaziz Khoja, Minister of Culture and Information. Key speakers included Dr. Nadia Baeshen, Dean of College of Business Administration; Bader Fayiz, businessman; and Ghazi Bin Zager; and Muna Abu Sulayman. The Jeddah Entrepreneurs Meet was designed in collaboration with the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and TRACCS. Sponsors include Al-Aghar Group for Strategic Thinking and a whole raft of media brands – Al-Arabiya, Okaz, Elwan est., and Alif Alif FM. The candidates will be supported by a team of academics and specialists from CBA. All 20 women will present their business proposals on May 22 and 23. Ten winners will be awarded start-up capital for their projects. They will also be guaranteed business consultancy for a full year. Sarah Al-Ayed, director of Strategic Planning at TRACCS, said they are hoping for a successful outcome for all concerned. The concept of empowering women has been a major cornerstone of the many edicts issued by King Abdullah. __